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Kelly Absher

Vice President

Meet Kelly Absher

Allow us to introduce Kelly Absher, the esteemed Vice President of the United States division of GrandAudition. With over two decades of invaluable experience in the field of audiology, Kelly has dedicated her career to assisting individuals with hearing difficulties.

Leading Innovation in Audiology Services

As a result, Kelly’s extensive professional journey includes her most recent role as a distinguished former employee of Sonova, serving as a Unitron representative. In this capacity, she honed her expertise, gaining a profound understanding of the latest advancements in hearing aid technology. Kelly’s resolute commitment is to elevate the quality of hearing health services across the United States, setting new standards of excellence in the industry.

Furthermore, Kelly’s mission is crystal clear: to establish a hearing health group in the U.S. that sets new benchmarks in patient care and technological innovation. Her unwavering dedication is centered on ensuring that every patient who walks through the doors of GrandAudition experiences uncompromised hearing, a goal she pursues relentlessly.

At GrandAudition, We’re More Than Just Providers

At GrandAudition, we’re not just another hearing health provider; we’re a team with a passion for delivering excellence in hearing healthcare. Join us on this journey to elevate your hearing experience to new heights. Kelly Absher and GrandAudition,
together, are committed to helping you hear without compromise.